Tuesday 5 March 2013

Task 5a - My thoughts on Ethics within my profession.

I brainstormed my initial thoughts onto a spider gram, I found it quite hard as I feel some of the ethics we adhere to in our professional life's are so obvious we tend not to think about them. I will bullet point  some of the things I came up with.

  1. Declarations (permission for filming us in auditions or on jobs giving the employers rights to the footage) There was a big scandal about Dirty Dancing EPQ quite a few years back regarding this right. As they were not asked and also not paid- eventually after a long drawn our process they got it sorted but it ended up costing the company a lot of money!!
  2. Breaching of professional contracts whether with employers or agents.
  3. Professional boundaries while at collage, ie no teacher student relationships
  4. Professional boundaries within the work place for example if your choreographer also your friend you can be friends outside the room, but while your working you are their employe, do not cross the line. 
  5. Copyright with the likes of sheet music.
  6. Plagiarism with in the world with dance, copying choreography and trying to pull it off as your own.
  7. Racism and discrimination.
  8. Being respectful to the pecking order in your company.
  9. Stealing - sackable offence.
  10. Bulling mentally and physically.
  11. Crbs when working with children, although this is not a requirement when your in a cast along with children I feel strongly that it should be! 
These are what I originally came up with. I then started a discussion with Mel and we continued to talk about a lot of them linking them in to professionalism and how you should conduct yourself within our industry. Many of the points are common sense and not only do they apply to our industry they also apply across the bored. Before engaging with the reader I would have said although I apply ethics in my everyday life I wasn't fully aware of them. However know they are in the forefront of my mind and I am actively thinking about them. I am excited to look into task 5B and too see what is brought up! 


  1. This is well thought out and deserves discussion with colleagues and mentors. You have demonstrated an understanding of ethical principles and alluded to potential conflicts in ethical matters in professional practice. How useful did you find thinking about the personal v organisational v professional?

  2. Hi Rosemary,

    I found this task very interesting. Especially looking at the links between personal, organisational and professional ethics. Sometimes they can support each other but other times conflict each other. I managed to discuss some of these points with a SIG group over a coffee and it was great to know that others were thinking along the same lines as me too. We took each point and entered a discussion arguing different points. Its was really beneficial!
