Thursday 8 November 2012

Task 3c Sources of Information

As you can see on my previous blog I started this task with a spider gram. I decided it was a good place to start and get all my ideas down. I then looked more closely at the sources I had listed and tried picking the 5 most important ones to me. After a lot of thought I came to the conclusion of, Friends in the Industry, Class, The Internet, My Personal Resources and The Theatre.

I personally feel that our friends in the industry are often one of the best sources of information we can have. Weather you give someone a quick call or catch up over a coffee there always seems to be some gossip about who's got what job or what auditions coming up next and if you have one or not, the later normally being the case! Our friends in the industry not only are great for information but also good for support. I realised this while reading and researching the reader, we all create part of a 'communities of practice.' So its not just about gaining information its also about being part of something and taking the values of that too. When using your friends as an information source you also have to look into another theory of the reader which is cooperation. You can't keep taking from them with out giving something back otherwise they may not want to help you. So next time someone is teaching you the audition routine as your in the next group make sure if they ever need help your there for them. There is only so many times you will do a friend a favour with out having it returned. I can remember in collage certain people would only want to talk to you if they wanted something, I just make a note to self in these cases and made sure I kept myself to myself. I am more than happy to help a friend in need and lend out my sheet music but after reading the reader and it altering my view point about cooperation, I feel that it is a strong part of this information source. One of my favourite things with friends is after an audition when you have your rejection coffee. Its a great way to reflect about what has happened, but not only do you learn from your experiences you can also learn from those of your friends! I could go on forever but to conclude value your friends, and its all about give and take!

Class is a brilliant way to get information, not only does it keep us in the loop but also keeps us fit! When your in pineapple there is always several sources to find out whats goings on. First of all there is the information boards which have castings on, information of new classes, 'mortal' jobs, and lots more. I do love a traditional notice board and especially in pineapple you always know its relevant and contains useful information. As well as that you are often doing class with other industry professionals so its a good way to make friends and find out whats going on in the world. Its also a good way to begin your network with other professionals, theres a fine line between being nosey and annoying and just being inquisitive, but if you always have something up your sleeve to offer in return you can't go too wrong. It all links back again to 'cooperation' and its another 'communities of practice'.

Web 2.0 and the internet in general is brilliant for our profession! It has so much to offer is and is a vehicle that offers us so many platforms. We can use it to network, advertise our talents on youtube, a website to show the world how amazing we are, source information about up and coming auditions (the stage, casting call pro, star now etc), research shows, blog, look at online magazines such as the stage, whats on stage, have our online Cv's on spotlight, the list is endless! Since starting this module my viewpoints on this subject has changed and I have come to realise we have so much at the tip of our fingers. We need to utilise these sources as much as possible. The internet is a phenomenon which can actually help us in our present and future career and we must use it to the best of our abilities to enable that to happen. We are fortunate enough to have this opportunity that others haven't so I feel we must take advantage of it.

I have a stash of personal resources in my bedroom, from monologues to sheet music I probably have something for every occasion and audition. These are valuable sources that have grown over years. They are the kind of resources that grow over time and are always added to, the kind that if you lost you wouldn't know how to get them back and where to find half the things you had. I think its important that when you hear a song or a monologue you feel would be suitable for you to ask whom ever has performed them and either ask to copy it there and then or if thats not appropriate to write it down to find at a later date. I also have contacts that I have made through working previously in the business which I'd say are type personal resource. I think its vital that you keep in touch with those you have worked for before and retain a good relationship with them as you never know when you will meet them again and in what kind of situation too. Personal resources are very valuable as if you loose them or if they are people loose in touch with them they are hard things to get back.

The Theatre. I have picked the theatre as my fifth source not only as its a great source of information it also reminds us about what we love and why we are pursuing this career. The other week I went to watch a friend in 9-5, before attending all I knew about it was that its based on Dolly Parton music, other than that I knew nothing. By the time it finished I knew the storyline, what kind of people would be cast in it, if I would be suited to the show, etc. Watching shows or plays are sometimes the best way to see if you would a) suit the show and perhaps be cast for it and b) find out about the music and understand the story line. Above all that it reminds us about our love for the theatre. More over when your pouring the pints or waiting tables you it helps you remember why your doing that. I think sometimes we get so lost in trying to get a 'proper job' you forget why you want it so badly. We did a great task the other day in campus session 2, when we wrote down one word to describe us. Then we got in pairs and swapped our note books, the other person then had to write down all the things they associated with that word. It was lovely to see what they had written as it remind us who we were and the values and qualities we posses. I find going to the Theatre also reinforces this and helps 're light my fire' and not only do I gain some great information I am also remind of my love for this industry.

I feel that all the above sources are vital to our professional practice, they also all link in with our reader.
Some of them involve cooperation, others affiliation among the other themes. This all just highlights to me the importance of Networking with in our industry and how it can help us. The theory's that we touch upon in the reader have made me more aware and reinforced the values and importance that being a networked professional gives us. I think we also need to remember there is so many resources available to us and we must not forget to use them. As at the end of the day it will only better us as a practitioner so why not use them to our advantage!

I also think that especially on this course one of our main sources of information are blogs. They are vital for us to learn from other peoples experiences and not just our own. Their opinions and views are also valuable as it enables us to see things from another aspect. I have enjoyed looking at other peoples blogs and have even taken to looking at blogs which aren't specific to our course, this is a blog from Daniella Gibb which provides a great insight about our life's at Christmas.

Christmas Countdown - Oh Yes it is!

As usual please leave your comments, and check our Daniella's blog!


  1. Clear statement of the value of networks - glad you recognise that you need to contribute to the network as well - what goes around .. comes around, as they say

  2. Hi Hannah,
    After reading through this blog and your most current one about your pantomime rehearsals, it is excellent to see and think about how they are linking together. Working on the panto you will be making new friends in the industry, taking class with them, be involved with the theatre and also keeping up to date with everything else through web 2.0. It is really interesting to know how your chosen sources of information are coming into play in your professional practice.
    I wonder whether, with your personal resources, you will go back to some of them in a few years time. They will remind you of a certain person or company and you may be able to re connect with them (if you have lost touch) and new opportunities may arise?
    I like your ideas of the theatre being a good source of information. You're correct, you learn so much from it whether it be a story line or allows you to discover new audition songs! The theatre is also a big inspiration for me, I love to see a variety of shows: ballets, concerts, plays etc. As for performers, watching a show will give them the motivation to push themselves further as they will want to receive that 'buzz' that we all, both performers and audience members, get at the end of a performance.
    Do you think that 'friends in the industry' and 'class' link together quite well? As the people in your classes (some of them likely to be friends), will also be following the same path as you and you can all interact and learn from one another. Whether it be learning a new routine or, learning about upcoming opportunities.
    I'll be interested to read your pantomime updates - all the best!

  3. Hannah, I like how you've written about reflecting after an audition with friends...I have started to see this week that the three parts of this module are starting to blend together..I have been reading a lot about web 2.0 again as (as you have said) it is a big part of the way we network, and the way you have written about reflecting with friends shows that part of the great thing about this source of information is that it is more than just is also a support system.

    What you have written about helping people out in auditions is you think that you would help somebody else out if they weren't your friend? I think it is difficult in the audition situation because ultimately we want to look better than everybody else; in helping somebody else we might reduce the chances of that! I think this links to Game Theory; that one person succeeds at another's expense. I think it is important as you said to try and remember we are human and not just dancers, and imagine how we would appreciate help from somebody else if we needed it. Likewise, you make a good point in saying that you remember if somebody does not return a favour to you: if you keep giving them everything for nothing in return they will succeed at your expense.

    Like Emily, I also like how you've chosen the theatre as a source of information: it seems so obvious now you've written it but I never would have thought of it myself. It is true that it is important to remember the reason we do what we do an focus on the positives in order to get through the negatives!

    Sorry I've written an easy on your blog now but your post gave me a lot to think about! Looks like you're having fun with panto aswell, hope it's all going well, keep us all updated. And Daniella's blog is a good read too!


  4. Hi Clare Emily and Rosemary

    Thank you for your comments. Sorry its taken a while to reply I have been without internet for the last two weeks (I felt as though I had lost a limb!)

    The purpose of these blogs is coming more apparent to me everyday. Its great to see your comments and know your opinions also link with mine. We can gain knowledge from each others viewpoints as we may have different experiences with in 'the industry' but it all boils back down to the basics of which we all share.

    I have put aside this morning to catch up on everyones blog so look forward to see what you have written and will get commenting! x
