Thursday, 6 March 2014

Back to reality!

This week I flew half way around the world to embark on my next adventure, four months on the Dawn Princess cruising around the world. Now I am back on board I have remembered how bad the Internet is. My resources in comparison to home have completely changed. 

I don't have 24 hour access to wifi, instead I have to pay for very few minutes on a very dodgy system and wait until were in port to find a decent connection. But since we are in install for the next few weeks port time is also going to be very limited. I also no longer have my own space and have to share in a very small cabin with lovely bunk beds! Which makes working on my inquiry a bit more tricky. Another aspect to add is its hard to access printers and scanners unless your willing to do favours for certain people those items are normally off limits!

 On the plus side the focus on my inquiry lies within my cast of dancers. They will be the people I interview and use as my focus group, all of them have already concented to be part of my inquiry so I'm excited to have them all literally on my doorstep. 

Being in install at the minute limits my time I can give to my inquiry however as soon as that's over every spare minute I have will be dedicated to this inquiry. I feel time management is important which is why before I embarked I did everything I could and now will dedicate all my time out of install to this inquiry.

My next step is to conduct my focus groups and interviews how ever myself and my cast are currently uprooted and are situated in different cabins all over the ship to accommodate our handover. Thankfully this ends in three days and we will get our proper cabins back and everyone can settle in. Once this has taken place I will schedule my focus groups and interviews to take place. 

Meanwhile I will continue to keep in contact with my sig groups and also continue carrying out my literature reviews. 

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