Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Task 3a - Range and Value of Current Networks.

My Range and Value of Current Networks. 

I have a slight feeling we are in for another epic blog so bare with me my fellow BAPPs!!

There are so many ways that us "Performers" can create different networks. I am planning to break some of them down into several sections and explore all of their values.

Auditions - I personally feel this is a key aspect of our networks as we are getting out there and showing our faces. The more auditions you go to and end up in front of the same panel the more they will remember you and you can create a relationship with them. I found this out recently when I had been to several auditions with the same choreographer and in the last one I saw her in she approached me and said 'is your name Hannah, I thought I recognised you', I ended up doing really well and was really pleased my hard work in the other auditions had also paid off. Also sometimes you may not be right for the job your up for but they may know of another one suitable for you and pass your details on to somebody else.

Class - A great way for us to network is through doing classes. Weather is be in pineapple or dance attic there is always something going on. Class not only helps us stay in form but we can talk to peers and other industry professionals to find out whats going on. You always hear of at least one audition or upcoming show, so it just helps us stay 'in the loop'.

Friends - Friends are a great way to network! But with them its all about cooperation, you have to give and swap some of your own info in order to get some. There are so many ways our friends in the industry can help us, for example in Collage you would swap songs from your portfolio (some people more reluctantly than others! or you would never get your sheet music back) but in those cases it just makes you aware and you note to self not to help them again! Friends in the industry are also great to help you prepare for auditions, weather is be teaching you the routine as they were in the week before or just giving you general advice on what to expect. More over in years to come you never know what friend could end up casting in the west end or directing! So in my opinion its really important to keep your relationships strong with your network of professional friends!

People you have worked with - Its so important when in a job not to piss anyone off! You never know when you will come across them again, and you don't want it to effect the future. I think its vital to keep in touch with people you have worked with previously, from the director to the stage manager you never know how they may be able to help you. I have made sure I keep in touch with most people from jobs, sometimes its not possible to build a relationship with everyone but in my opinion you should try your best! This year I have been lucky enough to work with the same Panto company with the same choreographer...last year was great and I made so many friends and learn't so much, I am excited to see what this season brings!

Social networks - Social networks are a good way for us to network but I think to enable me to do this I would need to separate my personal social networks sites to my professional ones. At the moment I only have personal social network accounts, like Facebook and twitter. I think it would be inappropriate for casting directors and influential people checking our my status complaining about waiting in the rain for four hours for an open audition! I think for industry professionals I would like to have a website or perhaps another social network account to contact them through.

Agent - Our agents I feel are also another key aspect of our networking as they get us in to auditions and ultimately employment. They are an established network of casting directors and other influential people who will probably be the ones to give us jobs. Therefor I think its crucial to have a good relationship with your agent as at the end of the day that is how we get our main source of work.

Websites - Websites like Spotlight, Whats on Stage and The Stage are all places we get a lot of information from. We can read up on show reviews to make sure we are Theatre Savvy! They enable us to see what shows are coming up, therefor what auditions may arise. You can see certain auditions, The Stage will often have open auditions that we can attend. Spotlight enables casting directors to view our online CVs as well as giving us information and industry news! All very important things!

Blogs - As I have come to learn from starting this course blogging is a great way to get out there and network. Forums and Blogs have become huge and give us another platform for networking I am still coming to terms with blogging but I think it can be a great tool for us to show what we can do to the industry.

I think social media and networking over the internet is incredible and it has expanded so quickly over the last few years, just look at the phenomenon of twitter. But in my opinion I think nothing beats personal relationships built by face to face meetings and building a relationship over time and through experiences. Although it takes more time and effort I feel that that has more of an effect on someone than just being another friend on Facebook or a follower on twitter. By all means we can combine the two and for convenience but I don't want to be a figure of cyber space I want to be a real person in someones mind. Also with networking I think you need to strike a balance as you don't want to be perceived an 'nosey' and 'pushy' but you do need to an effort to start those relationships and find out whats going on with in the industry. I'd like to hope I have got the balance right but you can only learn from experiences and having only been out in the big bad world for about a year and a half I probably don't know as much as others but I am willing to listen and learn. So if you have anything to add please comment below!


  1. Hi Hannah,
    I really like your blog, I find it very useful. Is so true that you should always be professional, as you never know what the person that you're meeting today will turn up to be tomorrow.
    Of course tit for tat between people you trust is always useful. People will remember if you did them a favour and return it back! On the other hand when you mentioned the example of swaping songs in college and that is not always trustworthy, as you may never get it back; reminded me that through experience we 'test' people without realising, and we know who to trust next time.
    I totally agree with the fact that nothing beats personal relationships built by face to face. We are human and seeing, feeling, expressing ourselves is what we do. This cannot be achieved by typing and commenting through a screen but we shouldn't ignore this way of communicating either. Both ways of networking have their purpose and using them wisely will work in our favour through our Professional Practice.

  2. Hello Anastasia

    Sorry for the late reply not had any internet the past two weeks!

    I really enjoyed reading your comment as you highlight the importance of the tit for tat theory which I fully agree on. I also like the fact you agree with my viewpoint of face to face relationships having more value, I feel very strongly about this. I look forward to reading your blog on this subject this afternoon!
