Tuesday, 8 April 2014

How to sum up our learning journey!

I'm sure I am not the only one who feels like they have come a millions miles since our first ever campus session back in September 2012! 

Through out the process we have all grown not only as professionals but people too.

When it came to writing my critical review it seemed impossible to put into words how far we have come. It's not something you can measure easily but more of a feeling. One which only you can understand however I will try my best to sum it up into words.

I now feel like a professional who has the skills to excel in my choosesn practice as well as the skills to help me achieve milestones my personal life. This BAPP is very well designed as from day one I have been on a journey of self development and accomplishment, anyone who got their hands on my learning journal would be able to see the small steps I took personally and my blog from day one is evidence of my academic and professional milestones. 

Even once our submission date has come upon us I will continue to strive for greatness utilising everything I have learnt along the way. For example I am already thinking ahead towards August which will be when I am unemployed. I have actively been connecting with my networks since my short break in January so that when I return in August I either have something lined up or have plenty of auditions. Also in our industry it's important to be in the know and know what's coming up production wise and whos casting what so it's vital I connect with my communities of practice and use social media to keep on top of all that too. 

I will also take away personal achievement and accomplishment come graduation day. Although this course is designed to be working professionally along side it, it doesn't mean it doesn't come with hard work and an up hill struggle. This last module for me has present exactly that for me. Having been on board a cruise ship it has presented me with many challenges. First of all the last 6 weeks have involved installing all of our shows so I have been battling a rigorous rehersal schedule as well as performing in our usual shows. Because of that we have also had limited port time as that is when the theatre is normally free, therefor my access to decent Internet has also been limited which has meant I have had to be extremely organised within my planning. Also our schedule is likely change at any minute so it means I have to be flexible about when I work, and sadly sometimes that means yet again less port and good Internet time, so it's vital to work quickly and efficiently when I do have it! 

Time management is an important professional skill but also a very useful life skill too, I feel expecially after tackling module three I can happily say I excell with in this area!! 

I am excited to complete my degree and to also see what is around the corner. Our industry can be very unpredictable which can cause several worries on many different levels however with the tools I am now equipt with I feel I am ready to handle anything that may be thrown my way! 

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Oral Feedback

Feeling a million miles away, I decided it was time to touch base with Paula.

I emailed her with a very rough draft of my work and we decided I would attempt to call her from the ship. Although we were presented with a few difficulties, the phone cutting out, delay, and on occasions not being able to hear her, we ended up having a very productive chat. Which left me with some pointers and some research to be done.


I had managed to look upon alot of outside sources when looking into acquiring expertise but hadn't looked closely to dance related experts. This brought me to exploring dance practitioners. When it comes to acting and you speak about practitioners Stanislavsky comes to mind, with in dance its a little bit harder. Today I have focussed my research into dance practitioners and finding out their point of view on acquiring expertise. Also looking into what they have done for the world of dance and how they have all given something to our industry.

Many whom I'm sure you have all heard of came to mind and arose within my research the main three included ;

Martha Graham
Twyla Tharp
Matthew Bourne

Also some of them more personal, including where I trained and have either been taught by or worked with ;

Betty Laine and Laine Theatre Arts
Penny Withers and the Scottish Ballet

Choreographers include ;

Peter Darling, (Whom I worked with in Billy Elliot the musical and has choreographed such works as Matilda and Charlie and the Chocolate factory)

All of these sources have either come from my personal training and experience or have effected the wider world of dance and how we work and train. Martha Graham even has a technique named after her and went on to influence the likes of Twyla Tharp who has produced many well rounded pieces of work as well as supporting a dance company, just like Martha Graham.

This quote by Martha Graham stood out for me ;

“I believe that we learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living, the principles are the same. In each, it is the performance of a dedicated precise set of acts, physical or intellectual, from which comes shape of achievement, a sense of one's being, a satisfaction of spirit. One becomes, in some area, an athlete of God. Practice means to perform, over and over again in the face of all obstacles, some act of vision, of faith, of desire. Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired.”

I would be interested to hear who you feel is a dance practitioner and what they have done to influence dance.

About the writing!..

Paula and I also discussed that with in the report of the Inquiry its important to 'STATE THE OBVIOUS' and not to be afraid in doing so. The people who will ultimately be reading this don't know anything regarding context, who we are, how we came up with the ideas etc, how we went form a to d ? All of these things need explained. Something simple you may feel is irrelevant may help the reader understand where you are coming from. Also they don't know how you know things and how you have gained your inside knowledge, for all they know you could be making it all up so its important to show them how you know ? Just a brief explanation in the intro perhaps or if its too long add in an appendix! Thats what they are there for !


Im not sure about anyone else but the bibliography of all my sources completely slipped my mind. Its vital the reader knows how we came to our conclusions and what information we used to get there. Paula reminded me and now I am collecting all my sources in order to create my bibliography. She suggested about 10-20 which I think is the range of what I have so on the right tracks there.

Would be grateful to hear any thoughts and opinions of follow bloggers on any of the subjects above!

If only time and resources weren't an issue!

Today I have been researching Martha Graham one of the great dance practitioners. While researching her I came across a journal from a member of her company. The was the journal is put together fascinated me and opened many possibilities for an artefact. If time and internet were not an issue I would strive to create something like this.

Check out the link below and let me know your thoughts on this interactive journal.


If the constraints mean I stick to my original artefact plan I will strive to continue producing something like this even after the Inquiry is submitted as I think it would bring a lot of value to the project in hand.

I also think it would be a great tool for future BAPP's to use as a way of keeping track of their learning journal in a more interactive way. It would also be a great tool to share more personal thoughts and learning processes with the rest of their peers.

I would love to know what you think about this so please comment below!