Before embarking on task 6d I wasn't aware of what Delicious was....How ever it has come to light that it is a very useful tool! Not only does it act like a bookmark bar you can have it on all of your devises so you can access them at anytime or place!
Here is the link to my account, check out what links I have created.
I am still unaware of how you tag people and find friends so would appreciate some advise on that! As I feel if we are able to create a network on delicious it will be very beneficial as we can check out each others resources!
Friday, 29 March 2013
Group SIG Wiki - Part of Task 6C
I have created a wiki which can be used to share all our literature.
The link is below, if you want to add to it with your literature I will have to add you so please leave a comment with your email address and I will do that. We can then discuss ideas that may relate to our inquiry that other people have discovered. (This is all part of 6c)
Group SIG Wiki
The link is below, if you want to add to it with your literature I will have to add you so please leave a comment with your email address and I will do that. We can then discuss ideas that may relate to our inquiry that other people have discovered. (This is all part of 6c)
Group SIG Wiki
Literature Review 3
Please find the link below to my 3rd Literature Review
Literature Review 3
The articles that I have reviewed here are very interesting for us as performers so I urge you to read it and leave me your thoughts!
Literature Review 3
The articles that I have reviewed here are very interesting for us as performers so I urge you to read it and leave me your thoughts!
Thursday, 28 March 2013
6B - Pilot Interviews
I decided to do two pilot interviews one structured and the other un structured to see what worked best. Before undertaking the interviews I had a feeling the structured one would work better and for the kind of data I am looking to collect and I still think that applies.
The unstructured interview was interesting however It didn't allow me to gather all the information I needed as a researcher. The structured interview was more help as it allowed me to explore different things with the interviewee. For example I would ask them a specific question and once they gave me their answer I would ask them to expand and keep prompting them to delve further for a deeper understanding. When conducting the real interviews I will give them some time at the end for additional thoughts and comments then I can gather some of the interesting data that came out of the unstructured interview with out spending a lot of time incase no new data arose. Being on a strict time scale means we cant waste anytime.
An interesting point we came up with was to do with the questions asked. We found some were similar to the survey but you gained more in depth and personal response. At first we thought with the questions being similar it would leave us with a lot of the same information however we came to realise through conducting the interviews the information gathered was more detailed and perhaps provided information that we could use for quotes and more through evaluation.
Like everything the interviews have both pro's and cons.
The pro's which became apparent during this process were ;
In my inquiry I wish to have both qualitative and quantitive date so Interviews will be playing a part of that. I feel the method is appropriate for the kind of data I wish to collect.
After conducting both interviews I engaged with a member from one of my SIG groups Lauren Sheridan. We discussed the importance of asking the 'right' questions so not to waste time and resources. Throughout both the pilots we both saw that the participant could easily go off on a tangent or if the question was to vague they would talk for a long time period and still not really get to the bottom of what you were asking. Both Lauren and I discussed the importance of constructing efficient questions so this would not occur. As both time and resources are precious during the inquiry process and we definitely don't want to waste any time!
The unstructured interview was interesting however It didn't allow me to gather all the information I needed as a researcher. The structured interview was more help as it allowed me to explore different things with the interviewee. For example I would ask them a specific question and once they gave me their answer I would ask them to expand and keep prompting them to delve further for a deeper understanding. When conducting the real interviews I will give them some time at the end for additional thoughts and comments then I can gather some of the interesting data that came out of the unstructured interview with out spending a lot of time incase no new data arose. Being on a strict time scale means we cant waste anytime.
An interesting point we came up with was to do with the questions asked. We found some were similar to the survey but you gained more in depth and personal response. At first we thought with the questions being similar it would leave us with a lot of the same information however we came to realise through conducting the interviews the information gathered was more detailed and perhaps provided information that we could use for quotes and more through evaluation.
Like everything the interviews have both pro's and cons.
The pro's which became apparent during this process were ;
- You could produce clear ideas as there was no lack of clarity during the interview, if any issues arose due to lack of clarity you could sort them out immediately.
- Its a very focused and concentrated environment, enabling you to get the most out of the participant.
- You can gain a lot of depth to your research.
- I was able to support the interviewee in exploring new thoughts and ideas.
- You can see their body language and gauge responses and feelings that way too
The con's were ;
- It can be time consuming if you don't plan or stick to time management.
- I took both notes and recorded the session how ever there could be worries that some of the data is lost in transit.
- They may be hard to arrange in the future, could perhaps explore a phone interview how ever i feel that could be less personal also may have issues regarding a consent form.
- You have to be careful not to be dominant and let the interviewee speak. Trying to create the right balance can be hard.
- When asking questions don't be bias, whether its in vocal tone, body language or construction of the questions.
In my inquiry I wish to have both qualitative and quantitive date so Interviews will be playing a part of that. I feel the method is appropriate for the kind of data I wish to collect.
After conducting both interviews I engaged with a member from one of my SIG groups Lauren Sheridan. We discussed the importance of asking the 'right' questions so not to waste time and resources. Throughout both the pilots we both saw that the participant could easily go off on a tangent or if the question was to vague they would talk for a long time period and still not really get to the bottom of what you were asking. Both Lauren and I discussed the importance of constructing efficient questions so this would not occur. As both time and resources are precious during the inquiry process and we definitely don't want to waste any time!
6B - Pilot Focus Groups
From the pilots that I have conducted it the focus groups were the biggest surprise. Perhaps as I had never even taking part or lead one before but I think they will be very useful data gathering tools.
The focus group was a great way to get lots of different thoughts and ideas, these gave a lot of insight to my Inquiry. There was a constant flow of knowledge and ideas. I also felt people let go as they had the support of others. The ideas that did emerge were also able to expand and gain deeper understanding due to the constant voices developing it.
There are a few issues that may arise, the main concern I have is the transcript. I will be recording these and taking notes like the interviews however it can be an issue when picking out voices. I feel when doing them 'for real' I will get the focus group to make sure before they speak to say their name so I can identify the speaker. Also to try not to talk over one or another, we had this issue at the pilot as everyone got so passionate and wanted to voice their opinion but I had to remind them to speak one at a time to avoid this. Like interviews typing up the transcript will be time consuming so its something worthwhile to think about when conducting a time management plan. I also feel it may be hard to get a certain group of people together at a given time so also another thing to think about when making a time schedule.
A few other points that may be of concern are that one person in the group becomes dominant, ideally you want everyone to contribute evenly. This didn't happen during the pilot but is worth while to keep in mind. Also you don't want anyone to feel pressured into behaving in a certain way so will also be something I will keep my eye on for future reference.
I think the focus group will provide my Inquiry with lots of insight and could be a powerful took for collecting qualitative data. I will need to ensure it is managed correctly in order to get the best out of it.
The focus group was a great way to get lots of different thoughts and ideas, these gave a lot of insight to my Inquiry. There was a constant flow of knowledge and ideas. I also felt people let go as they had the support of others. The ideas that did emerge were also able to expand and gain deeper understanding due to the constant voices developing it.
There are a few issues that may arise, the main concern I have is the transcript. I will be recording these and taking notes like the interviews however it can be an issue when picking out voices. I feel when doing them 'for real' I will get the focus group to make sure before they speak to say their name so I can identify the speaker. Also to try not to talk over one or another, we had this issue at the pilot as everyone got so passionate and wanted to voice their opinion but I had to remind them to speak one at a time to avoid this. Like interviews typing up the transcript will be time consuming so its something worthwhile to think about when conducting a time management plan. I also feel it may be hard to get a certain group of people together at a given time so also another thing to think about when making a time schedule.
A few other points that may be of concern are that one person in the group becomes dominant, ideally you want everyone to contribute evenly. This didn't happen during the pilot but is worth while to keep in mind. Also you don't want anyone to feel pressured into behaving in a certain way so will also be something I will keep my eye on for future reference.
I think the focus group will provide my Inquiry with lots of insight and could be a powerful took for collecting qualitative data. I will need to ensure it is managed correctly in order to get the best out of it.
Task 6B - Part 1, Pilot Survey!
Having already played around with a survey I had more of an idea when it came to conducting this pilot. However once you hand it over to the participant theres not a lot more you can do until the analytical stage the importance of the survey lies within its construction.
We established that its important to make the survey user friendly so it doesn't take up too much time but is the right length to provide you with the data you need.
It is vital that although you as the researcher are creating the questions you remain un bias towards the inquiry in order to gain truthfully and reliable data.
I found it really interesting getting feedback from my questions from the girls, both Mel, Chelsie and my friend Lauren who took part in the survey all brought to light one question which was not quite right. Both in the construction and the multiple choice answers provided. I have therefore re constructed it and presented it to them all again and received the thumbs up! Sometimes it's things like that no matter how many times you read it you can't see the issue.
They also brought to light some gaps in my survey and helped me workshop suitable questions that could fill them. For example Mel is currently doing a profit share job which she feels is enhancing her professional development. One of my questions asked if you do workshops and courses to improve your professional skills, she brought to my attention the likes of doing profit share and unpaid jobs also are developing your skills therefore I am going to think of a question involving these points as I feel it's relative to my Inquiry.
I found it really interesting getting feedback from my questions from the girls, both Mel, Chelsie and my friend Lauren who took part in the survey all brought to light one question which was not quite right. Both in the construction and the multiple choice answers provided. I have therefore re constructed it and presented it to them all again and received the thumbs up! Sometimes it's things like that no matter how many times you read it you can't see the issue.
They also brought to light some gaps in my survey and helped me workshop suitable questions that could fill them. For example Mel is currently doing a profit share job which she feels is enhancing her professional development. One of my questions asked if you do workshops and courses to improve your professional skills, she brought to my attention the likes of doing profit share and unpaid jobs also are developing your skills therefore I am going to think of a question involving these points as I feel it's relative to my Inquiry.
We established that its important to make the survey user friendly so it doesn't take up too much time but is the right length to provide you with the data you need.
I also found a very interesting journal which looked at the difference between an online survey and a paper survey and looked into the pro's and con's. Before I found this article I hadn't even thought whether a paper or online survey would make a difference however I now feel very differently about this. Denscombe looks into the quality of data received by both kinds of surveys. He touched upon the fact that web surveys come at a price as the data collected can sometimes be not as reliable as many people leave things out however it is less time consuming. I have personally looked into the likes of survey monkey which does in fact have a tool which you can put in place where the participant is told they require an answer to the question before they move on. Therefore would result in more accurate data if I was to use their format. How ever unless you upgrade to their plus version you can only have a 10 question survey which Im not sure is enough for me.
With paper surveys the trouble is they are more time consuming depending on how you collect the data from them, for example if they have to post it back to you. I feel with a paper survey people may feel more obliged to do it if they know the researcher especially if you personally approach them.
Denscombes article is called 'Item non response rates: a comparison of online and paper questionnaires;"if you wish to look into it further.
With my Inquiry it is aimed at a very specific group of people, therefore I wouldn't be able to do a mass postal or high street survey anyway, also I am not convinced that I will gain the best response from web surveys. The reason being I posted a basic one in our middlesex uni SIG page on facebook and have only had 4 responses which has been highly disappointing.
I feel to get the best out of my survey I am going to target a group of 30 people all of whom are musical theatre professionals. Due to the nature of my inquiry I will them split that group of 30 into 2 and target 15 whom are less successful and 15 whom are more successful in order to get a wide spread of data. I will also be using paper surveys, unless there are any unforeseen circumstances and in those cases I will email them the survey directly and get them to send it back to me fully completed. This is all still in the planning process so it may be subject to change but these are my thoughts for now!
Monday, 25 March 2013
Literature Review 2
Please find below the link to my second literature review.
My critical review of Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Any comments would be greatly appreciated!
My critical review of Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Any comments would be greatly appreciated!
Literature Review 1
Please find below a link to my first literature review.
A critical reflection on, So you want to be in Musicals by Ruthie Henshall with Daniel Bowling
As per usual any comments would be great!
Thanks x
A critical reflection on, So you want to be in Musicals by Ruthie Henshall with Daniel Bowling
As per usual any comments would be great!
Thanks x
Task 6A
Tools of professional Enquiry!
It is a daunting task of creating pilot surveys, interviews, focus groups and an observation. Having not done this before I am coming into this task very unaware as to what I may find.
I have got two evenings this week set aside to meet up with a few members of my SIG Mel Brown and Chelsie Johnson, in order for us all do our pilots. I am currently in the process of designing them and finding it harder than I thought. I am hoping that by engaging in this activity with my SIG members we can compare and contrast results, as well as discuss our findings. By doing this we can support each other and also explore which tools we plan on using within our Inquiry.
I have decided that as well as taking notes during our sessions I will record the interviews and focus groups so that none of the information is lost in transit! Although these are just pilots I want all the information gathered to be as reliable and valid as possible.
Due to the nature of my Inquiry from the research I have done I feel that observations are an irrelevant therefore I will not be conducting a pilot observation as not only is it a waste of my time it will also be a waste of the participants. I feel that observations can be very valid in other areas of research for example teaching however in these circumstances I will not be using observation as one of my Inquiry tools.
I am looking forward to the outcome and will blog it asap. I am also interested to see how other people experience the inquiry tools and will keep an eye out to read those blogs!
It is a daunting task of creating pilot surveys, interviews, focus groups and an observation. Having not done this before I am coming into this task very unaware as to what I may find.
I have got two evenings this week set aside to meet up with a few members of my SIG Mel Brown and Chelsie Johnson, in order for us all do our pilots. I am currently in the process of designing them and finding it harder than I thought. I am hoping that by engaging in this activity with my SIG members we can compare and contrast results, as well as discuss our findings. By doing this we can support each other and also explore which tools we plan on using within our Inquiry.
I have decided that as well as taking notes during our sessions I will record the interviews and focus groups so that none of the information is lost in transit! Although these are just pilots I want all the information gathered to be as reliable and valid as possible.
Due to the nature of my Inquiry from the research I have done I feel that observations are an irrelevant therefore I will not be conducting a pilot observation as not only is it a waste of my time it will also be a waste of the participants. I feel that observations can be very valid in other areas of research for example teaching however in these circumstances I will not be using observation as one of my Inquiry tools.
I am looking forward to the outcome and will blog it asap. I am also interested to see how other people experience the inquiry tools and will keep an eye out to read those blogs!
Friday, 22 March 2013
Task 5D - Ethical dimensions for my proposed Inquiry
This evening I managed to meet up with a member of one of my Sig groups in which we discussed the ethical dimensions of our proposed inquiry. Moreover looked in depth how we plan and prepare in order to be ethical while conducting the inquiry.
A main aspect of our conversations revolved around the ethics of taking and storing data for professional inquires. We came up with the following points so that our data is collected and analysed in an 'ethically sound' way.
Before we discussed the following points ethics used to be part of my everyday life with out realising it, however I have now come to understand in order to have an ethically sound Inquiry we must them at the forefront of our minds, as we don't only have ourselves to protect we are also protecting others.
A main aspect of our conversations revolved around the ethics of taking and storing data for professional inquires. We came up with the following points so that our data is collected and analysed in an 'ethically sound' way.
Before we discussed the following points ethics used to be part of my everyday life with out realising it, however I have now come to understand in order to have an ethically sound Inquiry we must them at the forefront of our minds, as we don't only have ourselves to protect we are also protecting others.
- If conducting an interview at the beginning you should tell the participant if they feel uncomfortable they can stop the interview at anytime. Also reassure them that they are under no pressure to complete or take part in the interview process.
- Agree with the interview participants that the data will be anonymous - I feel this is especially important in an interview situation as it means the participant will feel fully relaxed and answer questions more honestly if they know that they won't be named. Therefor in my inquires I may use X, Y or Z instead of their names. Perhaps with the focus groups as its an open discussion we may use names but only with the full written consent of those involved. All of which will be made fully aware of the intent to use the information given.
- Make sure a consent form is signed by all participants making sure all the data is ethically available to use.
- Create a way to ensure that data is stored securely whether it is physical (for example locked in a filing cabinet) or online (safeguard documents so they are only accessible with a password, which only you have access to.)
- Only use the data collected for the purpose of the inquiry.
- If your study involves under 18's it is critical to get the consent of a parent of guardian. (my inquiry will probably not need this ethical boundary but it was an important one we touched upon this evening)
- Ask questions which a relevant to your inquiry. Don't steer off the subject. For example it is not relevant in my Inquiry to know the sexuality of my participants therefore i will not ask them. How ever it is relevant to my inquiry where people live, as I feel there may be a link to those actively continuing training and searching for work while based in london are getting more jobs than those who live say back at home in the likes of Liverpool.
- Before starting the data collecting process establish that everyone involved understands the objectives you have for the Inquiry. It is important that they know the purpose behind the inquiry and what you wish to achieve by doing it.
- Destroy all the data once you have finished with it. As it no longer has a purpose.
These are just the main points we touched upon this evening ethics is such a lengthy subject you could talk all day but I personally felt these were some of the best points that I wanted to share with you.
I would be interested to see what you all think about these ethical dimensions. I will also be looking out for other blogs on Task 5D so we can discuss different ideas and ethical principles.
Monday, 18 March 2013
I decided to try and get some of my thoughts on my inquiry out on paper this afternoon.
At this moment in time my inquiry title is looking likely to be ;
"The importance of Continuous Professional Development within Musical Theatre and how it can impact upon success with in the industry"
Still playing around with words but that is the basic principle. I have done two brainstorms one which explores different aspects that I feel link together to help create a strong base for CPD another which looks at who my inquiry will effect why I want to do it and the objectives I have!
Please take a look and let me know what you think. I may have missed out some important links or something you feel is worth while exploring. I am hoping these will help me form a basis into which I can create, surveys and interviews etc!
At this moment in time my inquiry title is looking likely to be ;
"The importance of Continuous Professional Development within Musical Theatre and how it can impact upon success with in the industry"
Still playing around with words but that is the basic principle. I have done two brainstorms one which explores different aspects that I feel link together to help create a strong base for CPD another which looks at who my inquiry will effect why I want to do it and the objectives I have!
Please take a look and let me know what you think. I may have missed out some important links or something you feel is worth while exploring. I am hoping these will help me form a basis into which I can create, surveys and interviews etc!
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Exploring different aspects! |
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Who, why and objectives! |
If you click on them they will enlarge!
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
5B - Codes of practice with in Theatre!
I have found this blog which I found really interesting and think you should read. It explores the codes of ethics and although it was written in 1945 most of the principles still apply now!
Code of Ethics Blog
I think within our industry our code of ethics lies among our professional conduct and the way we carry ourselves in our day to day life whether it be in a contract or at an audition.
Not only do I feel the above aspect is important, I also think we have a code of ethics when it comes to our audiences. The blog above touches upon it but I feel strongly towards the fact that whether there is 300 or 3000 people in the audience you should give them an equally as good performance!!
I think there is some stigma around equity but if as a performer you need any advise around our code of ethics or have an issue during a contract they are there to help so its a good go to if you ever have a problem or just want to find something out! I myself am a member and have gone to them before for advise and know many others who have too.
There is an endless list I could probably write about ethical codes with in our industry but I am going to give you my top 5!
1. Respect others, whether is mean being on time or having spacial awareness in auditions.
2. Treat others how you would like to be treated.
3. Adhere to your company ethos, as we all know we change jobs frequently depending what shows are around, but you must remember your next company may not work in the same way your current one does, so bear that in mind!
4. Be truthful, may it be in a performance or to yourself.
5. Always give 110% Although its a cliché when your self employed and constantly being told no you just need to get back up and fight for what you want!
Code of Ethics Blog
I think within our industry our code of ethics lies among our professional conduct and the way we carry ourselves in our day to day life whether it be in a contract or at an audition.
Not only do I feel the above aspect is important, I also think we have a code of ethics when it comes to our audiences. The blog above touches upon it but I feel strongly towards the fact that whether there is 300 or 3000 people in the audience you should give them an equally as good performance!!
I think there is some stigma around equity but if as a performer you need any advise around our code of ethics or have an issue during a contract they are there to help so its a good go to if you ever have a problem or just want to find something out! I myself am a member and have gone to them before for advise and know many others who have too.
There is an endless list I could probably write about ethical codes with in our industry but I am going to give you my top 5!
1. Respect others, whether is mean being on time or having spacial awareness in auditions.
2. Treat others how you would like to be treated.
3. Adhere to your company ethos, as we all know we change jobs frequently depending what shows are around, but you must remember your next company may not work in the same way your current one does, so bear that in mind!
4. Be truthful, may it be in a performance or to yourself.
5. Always give 110% Although its a cliché when your self employed and constantly being told no you just need to get back up and fight for what you want!
Task 5a - My thoughts on Ethics within my profession.
I brainstormed my initial thoughts onto a spider gram, I found it quite hard as I feel some of the ethics we adhere to in our professional life's are so obvious we tend not to think about them. I will bullet point some of the things I came up with.
- Declarations (permission for filming us in auditions or on jobs giving the employers rights to the footage) There was a big scandal about Dirty Dancing EPQ quite a few years back regarding this right. As they were not asked and also not paid- eventually after a long drawn our process they got it sorted but it ended up costing the company a lot of money!!
- Breaching of professional contracts whether with employers or agents.
- Professional boundaries while at collage, ie no teacher student relationships
- Professional boundaries within the work place for example if your choreographer also your friend you can be friends outside the room, but while your working you are their employe, do not cross the line.
- Copyright with the likes of sheet music.
- Plagiarism with in the world with dance, copying choreography and trying to pull it off as your own.
- Racism and discrimination.
- Being respectful to the pecking order in your company.
- Stealing - sackable offence.
- Bulling mentally and physically.
- Crbs when working with children, although this is not a requirement when your in a cast along with children I feel strongly that it should be!
These are what I originally came up with. I then started a discussion with Mel and we continued to talk about a lot of them linking them in to professionalism and how you should conduct yourself within our industry. Many of the points are common sense and not only do they apply to our industry they also apply across the bored. Before engaging with the reader I would have said although I apply ethics in my everyday life I wasn't fully aware of them. However know they are in the forefront of my mind and I am actively thinking about them. I am excited to look into task 5B and too see what is brought up!
Friday, 1 March 2013
CPD - what actually is it?
CPD stands for continuous professional development.
I found this website gave a good definition -
I feel very passionately about this line of enquiry as its very relevant to my current professional practice and practically everyone else in my profession.
I have been trying to do some reading on this subject and there is a lot about general CPD or CPD specific to other careers and jobs but nothing specific to CPD in the arts. All the more reason to do it I thought!
I want to look into the follow aspects -
The reading I have been doing is looking at the basic understanding of CPD and how it can help you in your professional practice.
I found the following article very interesting as it poses a similar study into which I will be looking at. Although in a different field and time scale its good to look at parallel projects.
Jens Rowold, Sabine Hochholdinger, Jan Schilling, (2008) "Effects of career-related continuous learning: a case study", Learning Organization, The, Vol. 15 Iss: 1, pp.45 - 57 -
Off to continue reading! Please give me some feedback!!
I found this website gave a good definition -
I feel very passionately about this line of enquiry as its very relevant to my current professional practice and practically everyone else in my profession.
I have been trying to do some reading on this subject and there is a lot about general CPD or CPD specific to other careers and jobs but nothing specific to CPD in the arts. All the more reason to do it I thought!
I want to look into the follow aspects -
- How being the best you can be can impact on success
- How networking can aid CPD
- The best way to keep up with the next big thing - whats hot this week may not be next week
- How to keep mentally strong in order to keep going
- How to keep physically fit when in and our of work in order to be at the top of your game
- Keeping audition ready so you get that next job
- Reflecting on events in order to learn and become a better professional
I would like to have your feedback on those points and also would be interested into what you would look into?
The reading I have been doing is looking at the basic understanding of CPD and how it can help you in your professional practice.
I found the following article very interesting as it poses a similar study into which I will be looking at. Although in a different field and time scale its good to look at parallel projects.
Jens Rowold, Sabine Hochholdinger, Jan Schilling, (2008) "Effects of career-related continuous learning: a case study", Learning Organization, The, Vol. 15 Iss: 1, pp.45 - 57 -
Off to continue reading! Please give me some feedback!!
Task 4D - The Award Title
This has been playing on my mind as I feel its an important decision which I want to get right!
The other day myself, Mel and Chelsea decided to get together so we could discuss the module so far and our thoughts with our enquires etc. We also looked at different options for our award title giving reasons behind it!
I have come up with a few variations and would like to hear what you think!
The other day myself, Mel and Chelsea decided to get together so we could discuss the module so far and our thoughts with our enquires etc. We also looked at different options for our award title giving reasons behind it!
I have come up with a few variations and would like to hear what you think!
- BA Hons Professional Practice Musical Theatre
(This one I may feel is to basic, its very broad. However my rational behind it is that is what my study of CPD is going to be in. Also the majority of my previous training has been in this area.)
I then toyed with some more specific titles.
- BA Hons Professional Practice Musical Theatre Education
(I felt the word education was also relevant as my enquiry in to CPD within the Arts is going to be of value to those in our industry and I feel it could educate them in to how important it really can be)
- BA Hons Professional Practice Theatre Arts Development
(I thought about using the words Theatre Arts as the question that my enquiry poses is 'The importance of CPD within the Arts' Hence why I feel Theatre Arts was relevant. More over I feel my enquiry will help develop the performer, which is why I used development.
- BA Hons Professional Practice Theatre Arts
(This is just a more basic version of the above title as I remembered Rosemary said not to be too specific?)
- BA Hons Professional Practice Theatre Arts Education
(This is very similar to the above title with Musical Theatre is has similar rational to that one just similar on a theme!)
The reason I have used words like education and development is that I personally feel my enquiry will open peoples eyes and help their professional practice. Not only that but I also would like to potentially peruse a PGCE in Drama so I need a relevant degree. Another reason why my awards title is so important!!
Please have a look and let me know what you think, and I feel that this is a really valuable task!
For those not involved in FB SIG base! Task 4B
Im so pleased to have positive feed back...I am thinking of creating a SIG to do with CPD and the things that come along with it....the phycology side of things plus the physical along with being audition ready, how it can effect your sucsess if anyone feels they would benefit let me know and Ill add you on FB and join you to the group. Even if you want to join and later feel your not benefitting from it you can leave so the more the merrier I say to begin with!!
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