Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Decisions Decisions Decisions....

Rosemary said the hardest part of this module would be deciding what topic to do! She was right!!

Although another thing which I think will play a big role within our Inquiry is relying on others. 
Time management is going to be important but when trying to arrange things with other people and waiting for the likes of feedback it always proves a challenge. I think its vital we all understand this and try our best to keep on top of everything especially when not only yours but others Inquiry's will be relying on it. 

Back to the blog...

I think i am going to take the plunge....

"the importance of continuing professional development in the arts"

I would love immediate thoughts and reactions!

I do feel passionate about the audition technique topic but feel it may be limiting to a certain extent where as this question will not only explore aspects of that but a lot more.

I think I will focus on being audition ready, mentally and physically fit, networking and a few others. So I would like to know what you think!!

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Task 4C

In the previous post with out realising it I had dived straight into task 4c. Asking my professional peers for help and advise i found it very helpful and will be trying to get some more information from them today!

Being self employed you are your own employer most of the time so it's hard to find a suitable mentor when we are not in stable jobs. I have found myself wondering who would be a good mentor and provide great support. I feel my choreographer from Panto the last two years would perhaps fill the brief. Not only would she be very helpful and supportive while providing me with guidance she her self has also been in my position now but also on the other side doing the casting, therefor I feel her input to my project will be very valuable.


The last few days I have been working in harrods, as much as I normally dislike my job here I have been clever and used it to my advantage. The agency I work for only hire performers!! I feel like I have hit a gold mine not only can I earn money while I'm at work I can also collect information and do some research for uni!! It was a light bulb moment. So to kill some time on the shop floor I got researching and this is what came up!!

These were a few of the things fellow performers believe that you should do in order to develop a successful audition technique.

Having a good picking up speed for routines - if not go away and work on it.

Don't lie about special skills but if you have them make sure they are known, ie Ariel work, acrobatics, roller blading etc

Have eye contact and interaction with the panel but not too much so it's awkward.

Make sure you take on board notes and corrections.

Carry out the appropriate warm up before the audition, a) so you can show your self of to the best of your ability and b) so you don't injure yourself.

Being able to work with other people is important and also to listen to them.

Make sure you have done your background checks, know about the piece, production and director. Also if singing know about your song, where its from etc!!

Go wearing the appropriate attire. Don't dress as the character your up for, it's not fancy dress. But perhaps dress on a parallel giving slight hints but nothing too obvious!

Make sure your sheet musics clearly marked and you he be stuck to the brief!

Time keeping. Don't miss your slot and piss of the panel!

I also asked them what they would like to ask a casting directer, so we can try and understand what the other side goes through, as I feel that this is a good aspect to look into. As its important for us in order to develop a successful technique to know what the person choosing us thinks! Some questions that arose were....

Do you preference black and white or colour headshots when calling people in?

Why when you know what your looking for are you not more specific on the brief. Ie when your picking blondes just ask for them don't waste my time being brunette!

Should a performer stick to the brief or sing something they are better at?

When it comes down to a final how do you pick? What do you specifically look at?

In musical theatre is a triple threat now vital to stand any chance of being even ensemble?

This is just a taster of what I managed to get out of some performers but I would love some feedback to see what all you think? I am trying to establish weather there is a market for my project and from just initial enquiry I personally believe there is.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Task 4a part 1. My ideas and set of questions!

I have been thinking about suitable questions that link with my professional practice. Also ones that would interest me as we have to stick with our line of enquiry for a long time.
I was getting stuck in a rut but the campus session helped open my eyes to what I could look into.
Having also spoken to members of my SIG I have come to the conclusion that we must find a question which is very clear and concise. We want open questions that give themselves to plenty of answers and paths you can go down, you do not want a pseudo question which leads to a dead end!

A few themes that came up were ;

  • success in musical theatre
  • heath and nutrition
  • transitioning careers
  • different approaches to acting 
  • learning styles in dance

I have come up with a few questions of my own and I would really appreciate some comments with feedback ;

  1. What is the importance of continuing professional development in the arts?
  2. How to develop a successful audition technique within Musical Theatre? 
  3. How to handle and learn from auditions and rejection within Musical Theatre?
  4. Does both teaching and performing professionally help or hinder each other?

I personally feel strongest about working with question number 2. As it is relevant to my professional practice at the moment also thinking about the 3rd module I feel I could produce a very interesting presentation and present a creative professional artefact using the topic? 

Like i said earlier in the blog please comment as feedback is vital in this module! I promise ill return the favour! 


Saturday, 16 February 2013

Back to reality!...

Having been living in a Panto bubble for two months I have finally been able to settle back in to reality and get started with Module 2!

My last blog has been over two months ago but I am looking forward to getting back into it and have made a promise to myself to keep blogging even when we do have a 'break' from work. As I feel it is an important tool for us to keep engaged with!

My head is now spinning after reader 4 so I am going to follow my usual reader protocol and re read it at least 5 times while writing a millions notes! In hope that it will begin to make sense.

I look forward to seeing everyones immediate thoughts to reader 4 and the emerging lines of enquiry that people choose.

I feel as though module 1 has allowed us to grow as professionals and has given us the skills in order to undertake this vast task in front of us. I am starting this module with a very positive attitude as I feel we have everything in place to get started. I am also excited to see what I can take from completing this module as I know from the last module there will be a lot of learning along the way, both professionally and personally.

An epic blog on reader 4 will follow later this week!