Friday, 7 December 2012

The Journey of Module One!

I don't know about anyone else but I feel that I have come along way since our induction day in late september.  I honestly feel like I have changed not only in the way I present myself professionally but also on a personal level.

I now stop and think about what has happened on a daily basis, evaluating what has happened and seeing if I can learn anything from the events. I am also aware of the people around me and how they can impact on my career, weather its your choreographer or wardrobe assistant they matter! I have come to realise that there is so much out there for us so we must use it! Get on the free casting website, check out the stage, it all helps!

I remember Paula telling us about it being a work based learning course and how we would be doing a lot of self development. Uni is not about being given the answers its about finding them out for yourself and learning along the way. I have come to realise how true this is.

I like many of you probably didn't realise what we were in for but I am so glad that I decided to enrol in the course. I feel like I have come on a journey and discovered a lot not only about my professional practice but my personal self too.

This module has highlighted to me how I can improve my professional practice and get more out of it.

  • Be assertive not passive! 
  • Always question things, don't accept them on face value. 
  • You get out what you put in!
  • Be aware.
  • Be open to other opinions and viewpoints.
  • There is no wrong or right! 
I would be really interested to see your thoughts and views on this matter. Please comments below and let me know if you feel the same? 

Light bulb list!

I don't know how everyone else is feeling about the assignment but I am feeling slightly apprehensive and worried. I have been thinking about what Rosemary said to me about a light bulb list? What have a I learnt from the beginning? Have all the lights come on? And most importantly how have I learnt them and how are they applied to my professional practice.
Below is a list of things that I have become aware of, I am hoping to use these as a bases for my essay.  They are in no particular order just what popped into my head!

1. Don't be passive be assertive

2. It's not always about what you can do its who you know! Networking in the correct manor can impact on the success and progression of our careers

3. Awareness is a key tool for us.

4. There is so much at our fingers tips for us to utilise.

5. Information is knowledge and knowledge is power.

6. We can learn from experiences, even if things go wrong you can always turn it into a positive and learn something from it.

7. Sharing a different opinion on someone's view point is neither wrong or right, being able to critically analyse others opinions and experiences only helps us.

8. Although we don't know the outcome for unforeseen events we can to the best of our abilities using new tools and knowledge plan and reflect from previous events in order to have the best possibility of success.

9. I can be a successful practitioner while working to deadlines. Time management is a good tool which we need to use in order to juggle our professional practice with our personal life's.

Please comment below with your thought and what you have learnt, this isn't all of mine but just a few to get the ball rolling!

Monday, 3 December 2012

Cinderella goes to the ball!

After two weeks of rehearsals and 3 long days of tech we finally opened on Friday.
We only managed one dress run before opening so it was either going to be a disaster or extremely well, thankfully it was the latter minus a few hitches. Instead of treading the boards in Cinderella is should be called treading the horse poo! Which a few of us managed to do!

Currently writing this blog at my quarter hour call but haven't been in touch with the blogging world for a while and was getting withdrawal symptoms.

I have been trying to get my head around this final essay and Rosemary mentioned the key is to show what we have learnt. She spoke of a light bulb list and that is what I have been trying to come up with. I will post it tomorrow and look forward to seeing what you think.

Until then I will leave you with some pics of the fun we have been having back stage!